DignityMoves in South Santa Barbara County

We're Ending Unsheltered Homelessness in South Santa Barbara County and You Can Help

The DignityMoves community in downtown Santa Barbara has been so well-received that the County Board of Supervisors voted to partner with DignityMoves to build an additional 300 rooms – enough interim supportive housing to help close the “shelter gap” in the county. The County has identified several county-owned parcels across the county based on the regional distribution of unsheltered homelessness. The effort includes the La Posada interim housing community, located at 4500 Hollister. La Posada provides housing to individuals living in encampments in the immediate area. This community includes 80 rooms, provides 24/7 security, intensive case management for each resident, three meals a day as well as mental and physical health care services.

La Posada and Santa Barbara Street Holiday Gift Campaign

Make a Gift

Provide holiday cheer for each of our 116 residents with a festive gift package for them to open on Christmas morning. Each gift package totals ~$50 and includes items like toothpaste, socks, a coffee mug, and candy (see the complete list below). Gifts are needed for  82 men and 34 women. Deadline for gifts: Monday, December 23 at 11:00 am.

If you want to make a holiday gift, please contact Sandy Schoolfield sandy@snjmail.com and let her know how you would like to participate.

You can participate in one of the following ways:

  1. Put together one or several of your own personalized gift packages in either a stocking, basket or holiday gift bag 9”x 11”
  2. Provide groups of specific items like body lotion, flashlights, candy, etc.
  3. Make a donation to Dignity Moves designated for Holiday Gifts

Suggested items for Holiday Gift Packages:

  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Soap/ Body Wash
  • Lotion
  • Deodorant
  • Reusable Coffee Cup
  • Hot Chocolate Packet/ Candy Cane
  • Snacks/ Candy
  • Socks
  • Mini Flashlight
  • Shampoo/ Conditioner
  • Razors/ Shaving Cream
  • Loofah Bath Sponges (Women)
  • Plus other similar type of items



A Closer Look at La Posada

Project Overview:

Unsheltered homelessness is unsafe, unhealthy, and unacceptable.

The 80-unit La Posada Project is a temporary supportive housing community serving people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in Southern Santa Barbara County. Permanent housing is the longer-term goal, and La Posada closes the gap between living outdoors and housing stability, where residents can be safe and receive the critical supportive services needed. La Posada is a public-private collaboration between DignityMoves, the County of Santa Barbara, and Good Samaritan Shelter, the service provider and operator.

At La Posada, each individual or couple has their own private cabin with a door that locks. This sense of safety, privacy, and dignity allows people to move forward with the services needed to end their homelessness.

La Posada provides individuals the opportunity to get off of the streets, out of the encampments, and focus on longer-term stable housing solutions. Interim supportive housing gives our community members a chance to connect to mental health care, addiction services, Social Security, and other benefits along with job placement resources, even transportation to off-site appointments—not worrying about where they will spend the night or get their next meal. The cabins at La Posada provide 24/7 staffing, including professional security.

Project Goals:

  • – Remove encampments and improve the surrounding community’s safety and wellbeing
  • – Provide a dignified bridge to permanent housing for those experiencing homelessness
  • – Provide critical support services to move individuals to the next housing option
  • – Provide a healthy and safe environment for residents and the surrounding area and improve the quality of life for the whole community


The site, located on County-owned property at the former Juvenile Hall site at 4500 Hollister Road, now hosts the newly opened community since April 2024. Not immediately visible to passersby, the community will have up to 80 cabins. Each room will have a bed, a desk and chair, heating and air conditioning, a window, and most importantly: a door that locks.

The community was designed by the world-renowned architectural firm Gensler, employing a trauma-informed approach to ensure that the layout and aesthetics of the DignityMoves village foster a true sense of community. The design not only prioritizes the psychological well-being of its residents but also integrates seamlessly into the surrounding environment.

The state-of-the-art modular units are extremely durable, as well as attractive. They are made with 2” thick walls and provide excellent insulation and energy efficiency. The wall materials are 30% recycled plastics, and the frames are durable steel. The entry to the facility will be designed with input from a local architect to beautifully reflect the look and feel of the community. The project will be at this location for approximately 5 years, and then be repurposed and moved to alternative locations to assist other persons in need of interim housing.


DignityMoves have partnered with Good Samaritan Shelter as an operator.

Good Samaritan
With over 30 years of experience, Good Samaritan has an
exceptional reputation for providing care and tailored services to North County to help address the root causes of homelessness. Good Samaritan connects clients to mental health care, addiction services, social security income (SSI) and other benefits along with providing job placement resources, even transportation to off-site appointments. Above all, Good Samaritan works tirelessly to help clients find their way back to stable housing. As of 2024, clients typically stay 90-180 days while they get stabilized and find sustainable housing. La Posada is not a drop-in service location. Individuals will be referred and placed based on needs identified through a coordinated placement system. Each client receives an individualized service and stabilization plan to aid their transition into future housing opportunities. Good Samaritan staff is on site 24/7 and security is also provided.

Providing dignified rooms and critical supportive services, this project will serve as a model for future projects countywide as permanent housing alternatives are developed.

Project Update

Update # 6

The La Posada community is now opened and occupied by residents!

Thank you for your interest in the La Posada Project.



The Action Plan to Address Homelessness in Santa Barbara
Providing dignified rooms together with critical supportive services, this project will serve as a model for future projects countywide as permanent housing alternatives are developed. The Action Plan to Address Homelessness in Santa Barbara County was adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Phase I of that Plan identified a need for 563 additional shelter or interim housing beds. Twenty months later the County issued a Progress Report indicating that 140 beds had been built, but 423 were still needed to close the shelter gap across the County. The County of Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors are taking this goal seriously and have approved several sites across the County to build these additional beds quickly, so that anyone in the County in need of an interim place to go and get off of the streets into safe housing will have the ability to do so. This project is the next community in a series of communities planned in order to meet that goal of 423 additional beds.


What is La Posada?
The proposed La Posada Project will be an interim supportive housing community serving people experiencing homelessness in Southern Santa Barbara County. Permanent housing is the longer-term goal, and La Posada closes the gap between living outdoors and housing stability, where residents can be safe and receive the critical supportive services needed. La Posada is a public private collaboration between DignityMoves, the County of Santa Barbara, and the selected operator and service provider.
Why is the project needed?
As of February 2023, approximately 1, 890 people were experiencing homelessness in Santa Barbara County on any given night. Of those, over 70% (approximately 1,200) live unsheltered in places not meant for human habitation: on streets, along riverbeds, on beaches, and in encampments. Approximately 1,000 of the people experiencing homelessness in the County are located in South County, which includes Eastern Goleta Valley as well as Carpinteria, Santa Barbara, Goleta, and Isla Vista. This project provides critically needed beds and supportive services to bring people indoors.
Why private rooms?
Many people experiencing homelessness are reluctant to accept a bed at a congregate (group) shelter. At La Posada, each individual or couple will have  their own private cabin with a door that locks. This sense of safety, privacy and dignity allows people to move forward with the services needed to end their homelessness.
Who will get to stay at La Posada?
The community will have up to 90 cabins. Each cabin is designed to house one individual or couple. All cabins are for those experiencing homelessness in Southern Santa Barbara County, including Eastern Goleta Valley, many of whom will have experienced homelessness for extended periods of time and have a permanent disability.
The referral process is coordinated by the Continuum of Care (CoC) to match the right interim housing option with the needs of the person experiencing homelessness. Service providers work with the CoC to expedite referrals. It is anticipated that individuals will be on site for 180 days on average.
How and why was this location chosen?
The countywide Community Action Plan to Address Homelessness, adopted by the Board of Supervisors as well as all of the cities in South County, called on agencies to identify publicly owned properties suitable for interim housing developments. This location is owned by the County of Santa Barbara and is in proximity to critical support services (public health, social services, Veterans’ services) provided on the County campus located at Camino del Remedio.
How long will the interim housing development be at this site?
The project will be at this location for approximately 5 years. The cabins have an estimated useful life of over 20 years; after 5 years they will be repurposed and moved to alternative locations to assist other persons in need of interim housing. During the 5-year period, the County of Santa Barbara and partners will continue to pursue permanent housing options throughout the county to transition individuals from temporary housing to longer-term stable housing solutions.
How many people will be served at the community?
Approximately 20% will be couples, thus the total number of residents at one time will be approximately 100 persons.
What supportive services will be offered at the site?
Care tailored to the service needs of individuals residing at the site. Clients will be connected to mental health care, addiction services, Social Security and other benefits along with providing job placement resources, even transportation to off-site appointments.
How will the site be secured?
The operator will provide 24/7 staffing, including professional security. All staff are trained in de-escalation and conflict resolution. The operator and service provider will work closely with local law enforcement and public safety agencies such as County Fire to ensure the community is safe, and any concerns are addressed immediately.
Will pets be allowed?
Pets are often an important source of support for people experiencing homelessness. At La Posada, residents will be allowed to bring their beloved pets; a pet relief area will be provided on-site.
Is this a drop-in center? Will people be coming in and out of the location?
La Posada is not a drop-in center, and guests will not be allowed. Only current residents, staff, and pre- approved support teams such as social workers will be coming and going. Programs, services, and recreation opportunities are provided on the site. Residents will not be allowed to loiter outside of the community. Clients may travel to and from appointments and employment with transportation provided. Ample services and recreation opportunities will be provided on-site.
What is the County’s plan to resolve encampments?
The County Board of Supervisors adopted a comprehensive Encampment Resolution Strategy and Protocol on August 31, 2021. The Strategy gave us the framework to resolve encampments, but the challenge is lack of interim and permanent housing. This has limited the ability resolve active encampments at scale, as current case law is interpreted to require interim housing availability. The County must abide by all current laws regarding displacement from public property.
How does this project help resolve encampments?
Currently the County of Santa Barba does not have sufficient interim housing to make adequate offers of shelter on a consistent basis. Therefore, large scale encampments cannot be fully resolved. Unsheltered homelessness is unsafe, unacceptable, and must be addressed with urgency. The La Posada development will provide the interim housing needed in order to resolve encampments in the dangerous transit corridor and waterways. Interim housing helps end unsheltered homelessness and encampments and is critical while additional permanent housing opportunities are developed.
What is the process of resolving encampments?
After an encampment is discovered and reported, the County’s Encampment Response Team assesses the site based on safety, health, size, and location. Homeless service providers engage persons on the site and continue case management until interim housing is available. Once interim housing is available, the site is posted with a 72-hour notice regarding removal of property; then, interim housing offers are made, and a contracted agency removes biohazardous and non-biohazardous encampment waste material.
What are the rooms like? Are they the same as the rooms in Santa Barbara?
The cabins at La Posada will be substantially similar to those at DignityMoves developments in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria. Boss Cubez, a well-established Southern California based vendor, custom-designed-and-built the cabins for DignityMoves to meet the California emergency shelter building code. The buildings are constructed with a prefabricated panel system and assembled on-site with minimal tools and equipment required. Sleeping cabins for individuals will be 64 square feet, and 85 square feet for couples and those with disabilities. Several of the rooms will have private bathrooms for those with specific medical needs requiring different access.
Unlike other “tiny homes”, the Boss Cubez cabins are extremely durable with steel frames and 2-inch-thick walls. Most importantly, they are made from a fire resistant composite material—with the highest possible fire rating. This allows placement of the rooms in close proximity to one another without fire concerns. The cabins have high-vaulted ceilings to make them feel spacious, and large windows to provide ample light. Each room will have lights and electrical outlets.
Who designed the project?
The world-renowned architectural design firm Gensler is designing the community. Gensler uses a trauma-informed approach to designing DignityMoves villages in a way that is aesthetically pleasing and creates a true sense of community. While the site is not immediately visible to passersby, Gensler will work ensure that the project reflects the look and feel of the area.
What will the community be like?
In addition to the sleeping cabins, the community will have several offices for case managers and staff, a dining building, flexible meeting spaces for case management, a clinical building, and buildings with communal bathroom/shower/toilet stalls. Laundry facilities and ample storage for residents’ excess personal belongings will be available as will a community garden, outdoor patio and recreation areas, a dog run, and a computer lab. The community-style living of communal bathrooms and dining will foster frequent interactions for residents with staff and with peers.
How long will construction take, and what will be the hours of construction?
The hours of construction will adhere to the Department of Building Inspection’s typical permitted hours (7AM-8PM); however, the County does not anticipate using any heavy equipment before 8AM or after 6PM.
Who is paying for the project?
The project is funded through various public and private sources. Community based philanthropy will fund a large component of construction. The cabins are funded through the CA Encampment Resolution Fund, a grant designated to addressing homeless encampments along the transit corridor; services and operations will be funded through CA Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) and the CA Behavioral Health Bridge Housing (BHBH) program.
Is there an opportunity for the community to help?
Absolutely! Private donations are still needed for development and on-going needs of the project. There will be an opportunity to “Adopt A Room” and bring  bedding, decorations, and a welcome basket to make each room truly special. The community will need volunteers to assemble furniture, pot plants, paint murals, and more. When the community is open, there will be opportunities to participate in supporting the residents, such as serving meals, conducting art classes, and engage in other enrichment activities.
Who can we contact if there are concerns or questions?
During the construction of the project there will be a point of contact from the construction team that can field concerns related to construction management. Once open their will be a 24/7 contact person provided by the service provider. Staff is onsite 24/7.

To learn more about the proposed project please contact: Jack Lorenz; jack@dignitymoves.org.

Need Help?

If you or someone you know is currently experiencing homelessness in Santa Barbara and would like to be put on the waitlist for housing at our La Posada community, please contact Todd Johnson at 805-518-2694. The Program Manager is Laura Hill at 805-518-2719 and security is 805-458-7147.

DignityMoves does not manage referrals for this community.

Ending unsheltered homelessness can be done.

A fast, cost-effective way to build housing at SCALE that is dignified and private so that people are willing to come, where they can then get the intensive supportive services they need.