Make a Gift
Provide holiday cheer for each of our 116 residents with a festive gift package for them to open on Christmas morning. Each gift package totals ~$50 and includes items like toothpaste, socks, a coffee mug, and candy (see the complete list below). Gifts are needed for 82 men and 34 women. Deadline for gifts: Monday, December 23 at 11:00 am.
If you want to make a holiday gift, please contact Sandy Schoolfield and let her know how you would like to participate.
You can participate in one of the following ways:
- Put together one or several of your own personalized gift packages in either a stocking, basket or holiday gift bag 9”x 11”
- Provide groups of specific items like body lotion, flashlights, candy, etc.
- Make a donation to Dignity Moves designated for Holiday Gifts
Suggested items for Holiday Gift Packages:
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Soap/ Body Wash
- Lotion
- Deodorant
- Reusable Coffee Cup
- Hot Chocolate Packet/ Candy Cane
- Snacks/ Candy
- Socks
- Mini Flashlight
- Shampoo/ Conditioner
- Razors/ Shaving Cream
- Loofah Bath Sponges (Women)
- Plus other similar type of items