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A new report from the Alliance’s Homelessness Research Institute examines how factors like race, ethnicity, gender, age, and shelter status impact older adults’ exits from homelessness into housing.
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Inter-Related Issues: Health Implications
Bay Area
Homebase x Google
An Interconnected Region: Homelessness in the Bay Area Keep apprised of who is homeless in the region, and bright spots of new programs
San Jose Homelessness: Interactive Graphic
Bay Area
Bay Area Homelessness Report
Bay Area
Broken Home: San Francisco Chronicle’s year-long report on the state of Permanent Supportive Housing in San Francisco
Bay Area
Santa Clara County Community Action Plan
Bay Area
Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative: Dr. Margot Kushel at USCF with policy and research focus
Bay Area
All Home Bay Area Regional Action Plan
Point-In-Time Counts
The Point-in-Time Count (PIT) isa snapshot of the number and demographic of people experiencing homelessness by region. Federally mandated by HUD, these are taken by volunteers on a given day. These counts underestimate the true size of the issue in two ways: many more people experience homelessness in a given year than are captured in a one-day count, and many people avoid being counted, especially families and undocumented residents. However, they are useful in helping us see trends. A selection of PIT counts: