Sophie - headshot

Sophie Alpert

Regional Council


Sophie Alpert is the founder of Piece by Piece, a social enterprise non-profit arts organization that empowers Los Angeles residents who have experienced homelessness or economic insecurity to build confidence, earn supplementary income, promote wellness and an improved quality of life. Early in her career, Sophie was the Development Director for Para Los Niños, a non-profit day care center in Skid Row.

In addition to her ongoing leadership of Piece by Piece, Sophie is involved with organizations helping to raise awareness and seek solutions for individuals experiencing homelessness. She is on the board of the SAM Initiative, a women’s giving circle, which helps fund and support exceptional innovative programs in Los Angeles that promote social change.

Sophie is also a child advocate for refugee minors through the Young Center, and volunteers with Beth Tzedek, an organization that provides free legal services to help undocumented immigrant families.

Sophie has been recognized numerous times for her philanthropic work in the community. The Los Angeles Business Journal honored her as a “Woman Making a Difference.” She was a recipient of the Women in Philanthropy Business award from Comerica Bank’s Best of LA Women’s Business and has received commendations from the City of Los Angeles and The Links in Palos Verdes. The California Community Foundation honored Sophie as an Unsung Hero in 2013. She was also awarded the Jewish Vocational Service’s Women’s Leadership Empowerment Award in 2019. She was a featured speaker at the Global Social Enterprise Summit at UCLA in 2019. Sophie is also the 2022 keynote speaker for California Leadership and a panelist for The National Social Enterprise Alliance 2022 Summit.

Sophie is the proud mother of four children and grandmother to nine.